Promotions is where you add any special offers to your store. This could be something like a 50% off coupon, or a limited time offer between dates.
To add a shipping category click the create button top right of this view and you will be presented with the below view:
- Code
- Unique identifier for the promotion.
- Name
- Name for the promotion. This will be displayed to the customer when their basket is eligible for this promotion.
- If the promotion is a coupon based promotion, this is the string the user needs to enter on the checkout to apply the promotion.
- Description
- Description that is also displayed to the user on checkout if their basket is eligible.
- Usage limit
- The Usage Limit of a promotion is the total number of times this promotion can be used.
- Priority
- Promotion priorities are numbers that you assign to the promotion. The larger the number, the higher the priority. So a promotion with priority 3 would be applied before a promotion with priority set to 1.
- Coupon based?
- This will set the promotion to require the user to add the promotion name into the coupon box on checkout to apply the promotion.
- Exclusive?
- This make the promotion only eligible on its own. You cannot mix this promotion with other promotions.
- Channels
- The channels this promotion is available on.
- Start Date
- The date the promotion is valid from.
- Before this date, the promotion cannot be applied.
- End Date
- The date the promotion is valid to.
- After this date the promotion cannot be applied.
- Configuration
- Rules
- These are the rules that determine if a promotion should be added to the user cart.
- You can add many rules to a promotion.
- There are many rule types you can use.
- Cart Quantity. This will mean the promotion requires X amount of items in the basket to be applied.
- Customer Group. This means the customer completing the order has to be in a specific customer group for it to apply.
- Nth Order. This means the customer has to have X orders previously for this promotion to apply.
- Shipping Country. This means the order has to be shipped to a specified country to apply.
- Has at least one from taxons. This means the user needs to have at least 1 item from a chosen taxon for the promotion to apply.
- Total price of items from taxon. This means the user has to have a specified value of items from one taxon in the basket for the promotion to apply.
- Contains Product. This means the user has to have at least 1 of a specific product in the basket to apply the promotion.
- Item total. This means the value of the baskets items has to X for the promotion to apply.
- Actions
- These actions are what happens when a promotion is applied.
- You can add many actions to a promotion.
- There are many action types you can use:
- Order fixed discount. This will reduce the order total by the value entered.
- Item fixed discount. This will reduce an items price in the basket by a certain amount.
- Order percentage discount. This will reduce the order total my a percentage.
- Item percentage discount. This will reduce an items price in the basket by a percentage.
- Shipping percentage discount. This will redice the Shipping charge by a percentage.
- Rules